Letter from the Founder
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Welcome to Manapua Face!

I'm thrilled to embark on this journey with you. I stumbled upon NFTs almost by accident while tinkering with different algorithms, exploring their creative potential. Little did I know that these NFT characters would become the perfect canvas for expressing my new ideas.

During the process of writing these algorithms, I fell in love with the NFT universe. It's not because of the hype or the potential for riches, but due to the limitless potential to create something truly unique. I also deeply admire how this industry celebrates creators of all kinds. I find inspiration in other founders and their fans, with their boldness and maverick spirit reminiscent of the dot-com boom days.

I see the potential for some NFT projects to turn into big entertainment brands. It dawned on me that in this world, becoming a big brand is no longer confined to large corporations. Today, small creative teams can achieve remarkable scale powered by smart contracts and a passionate community.

The industry is not without its challenges; even thought the market seems to have recovered, the lines between collectibles and unregulated securities are being tested and litigated.

Despite all of this, I'm genuinely bullish on the future of NFTs, decentralization, and the Web3 industry at large to exist as proper, compliant, and long-lasting companies. This is the opportune moment to build, grow, and innovate without fear or hesitation. Let us embrace novelty and diversity, for it is through such openness that our industry will flourish.

So, I invite you to join me on this exciting journey of tech and creativity. I can't wait to share more with you, and I hope Manapua Face becomes a source of inspiration, sparking new ideas and igniting passion along the way.

Together, let's create an unforgettable adventure!

Papa Manapua

wax seal
Manapua Constitution
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We, the creators and guardians of the Manapua Face NFT platform, in order to form a more perfect union of digital art, ensure the integrity and uniqueness of our assets, promote the general welfare of our users, and secure the blessings of digital liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for Manapua Face NFT.

Article I: Holder's Right to Uniqueness

Section 1: Assurance of DistinctivenessEvery holder of a Manapua Face NFT shall possess a token that stands distinct from all others, offering unique characteristics exclusive to its holder.

Section 2: Protection Against DuplicationThe platform guarantees that no two NFTs shall bear the same attributes, ensuring the uniqueness and individuality of each asset.

Article II: Holder's Right to Knowledge and Safety

Section 1: Transparency & DisclosureEvery holder shall be entitled to full knowledge of the platform's operations, changes in Terms, and other pertinent information related to their held NFTs.

Section 2: Digital SecurityWhile holders bear responsibility for their own online safety, the platform commits to deploying security measures, ensuring that holders' assets and data remain safeguarded from malicious intent.

Article IV: Holder's Right to Voice and Representation

Section 1: Feedback and CommunicationHolders shall have the avenue to voice concerns, provide feedback, and seek clarification on platform matters, fostering open communication between the platform and its community.

Section 2: Consideration in AmendmentsWhile Manapua Face NFT reserves the right to amend its terms, holders' concerns and interests shall be considered in every significant revision to ensure alignment with the community's needs.

Article V: Holder's Right to Legacy and Continuity

Section 1: Legacy AssuranceNFT holders can be assured that their assets can be passed on, be it to successors or assigns, ensuring the continuity and longevity of their digital legacy.

Section 2: Supremacy of Holder RightsThis Constitution, rooted in the rights and privileges of holders, stands supreme. Any ambiguities or discrepancies in platform operations will be resolved with this Constitution as the guiding principle.

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* Manapua Face NFTs are digital collectibles and should not be considered as securities. Ownership of these NFTs does not imply any form of ownership, shares, or financial stake in the Manapua Face LLC company.


Manapua NFT's are not drawn, they are born!

Evolution & Genetic Algorithms

Sideways poop

Powerful AI algorithm harnessed to create an artificial society of Manapuas

Evolution & Genetic Algorithms, inspired by natural selection, are powerful AI optimization techniques. Manapua Face harnesses these algorithms for creative purposes, using crossover and mutation to produce an assortment of truly unique NFTs. Each Manapua NFT is described as a chromosome, integrating 21 distinct genes and traits to craft captivating artworks.

Gen0, labeled "The Originals," comprises 888 foundational Manapuas. Although these are not up for sale, they form the ancestral lineage. They partnered and reproduced, leading to Gen1, which introduces 5,000 Manapua Face Characters available in the initial mint. As the journey unfolds, we will continue the legacy by initiating Gen2, allowing each NFT to share its genetic code and laying the foundation for even more enchanting future generations.

Genetic Algorithms are powerful AI optimization techniques inspired by genetics and natural selection.


The creation of the GEN1 Manapuas, available in our inaugural mint, begins with the foundational primordial soup and concludes with the formation of the “First Families”. This exclusive approach, designed just for GEN1, yields a population so unique that its exact likeness can never be reproduced.

Gen Latern

Making the Primordial soup

The Primordial Soup contains 528 unique genetic traits, each with a limited quantity. These traits are sorted by gender, tribe, attribute, and score, which is crucial for building chromosomes. There are also over 900 RGB colors that fill in the image traits based on the genome, with each color stored as a separate gene in the chromosome.

Making the Primordial soup

The Primordial Soup contains 528 unique genetic traits, each with a limited quantity. These traits are sorted by gender, tribe, attribute, and score, which is crucial for building chromosomes. There are also over 900 RGB colors that fill in the image traits based on the genome, with each color stored as a separate gene in the chromosome.

888 Psuedo-Random Gen0 NFT

The initial enumeration of Gen0, the original ones, was largely random, but it adhered to the customary assembly guidelines for gender, tribe, and genetic pairing. The only predetermined variables were 500 girls, 388 boys, and the trait inventory count, with all other aspects assembled randomly.

888 Psuedo-Random Gen0 NFT

The initial enumeration of Gen0, the original ones, was largely random, but it adhered to the custom assembly guidelines for gender, tribe, and genetic pairing. The only predetermined variables were 500 girls, 388 boys, and the trait inventory count, with all other aspects assembled randomly.

Parent selectiON

All 500 Gen0 girls found a partner using a method inspired by the “Farthest First Traversal” algorithm, which involved choosing a partner in her tribe who was most different from her genetically and had been in less than 3 partnerships. This method is only used for making Gen1.

Parent selectiON

All 500 Gen0 girls found a partner using a method inspired by the “Farthest First Traversal” algorithm, which involved choosing a partner in her tribe who was most different from her genetically and had been in less than 3 partnerships. This method is only used for making Gen1.

Cross over & Mutation To create children

Each set of parents generated 10 children through cross-over and mutation. To ensure a diverse range of traits within each family, genetic material from parents or mutations was limited in its repetition. The distribution of girls and boys born into each family occurred randomly, and chromosomes followed the genetic combination rules and trait inventory units.

Cross over & Mutation To create children

Each set of parents generated 10 children through cross-over and mutation. To ensure a diverse range of traits within each family, genetic material from parents or mutations was limited in its repetition. The distribution of girls and boys born into each family occurred nearly equally with small random variations, and chromosomes followed the genetic combination rules and trait inventory units.

Gen0 latern
Gen1 banner for sale

A collection of 5,000 Gen1 NFTs has been crafted, each as distinct as a fingerprint, that could not be replicated even by repeating the same process

Shop the Collection on OpenSea

🎉 Visit the collection, find your Manapua, & Mint 🎉

From GEN-1 to GEN-2

The flow diagram represents our evolutionary process: Beginning with the current population where every individual is scored, with mechanisms for NFT holders to amplify these scores (method to be revealed later).

Parents are chosen based on these accumulated scores, and notably, some high-scoring parents attain immortality, allowing them to procreate in successive generations.

As new generations emerge, novel traits are introduced, enabling them to stand apart from prior generations while honoring their rich heritage.


The Power of Evolution & Genetic Algorithms

These algorithms are potent AI tools that extend beyond optimization to fuel creativity. The brief overviews provided below offer a glimpse into their mechanics, which will be elaborated upon in individual articles – stay tuned for more details.


Genetic algorithms and creativity

These algorithms excel at creativity by exploring novel combinations of traits through mutation. They're also adept at enhancing desired traits using cross-over, finding a balance between exploration & exploitation. With the appropriate fitness, their outputs can also be practical in their ability to achieve a goal. The layered structure of NFT art is tailor-made for these algorithms.


What is the fitness Function?

A "fitness function", in genetic algorithms, rates how well a solution meets the desired goals. The fittest of the population partner and procreate. We don’t use the typical fitness function used in most optimization. In GEN0, we used a method focused on genetic diversity. In GEN2, fitness will be a combination of popularity score, diversity, and societal balance as the fitness. More details to come.


Logical assembly of genetic material

Randomly combining traits often leads to unusual or unattractive combinations. To address this, we've introduced a method similar to a "prior." This helps to avoid selecting traits from the parents or in the primordial soup that are incompatible with prior assigned traits. We must be cautious, It's essential to allow creative exploration to take place and resist over-engineer the genetic output.

Letter from the founder icon
 Button that goes to the gallery page of Generation 1 Using a really cute icon